Delaware Collective for Creative Economy

The Delaware Collective for Creative Economy is a localized initiative of Reel Families for Change (RFC).

RFC stands on the pillars of advocacy, access, and inclusion for those working in American film.

Our efforts in our charter state of Delaware are rooted in:

  1. Our commitment to generative leadership and elevating the spaces we occupy.
  2. Our work to develop equitable pathways to industry access regardless of self-identification, caretaker obligations, or geographic location.
  3. Our drive for creative placemaking.

This initiative is supported, in part, by a grant from the Delaware Division of the Arts, a state agency, in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts. The Division promotes Delaware arts events on

With the help of our members and community partners, we aim to create a comprehensive, statewide ecosystem for arts, culture, and entertainment with a robust media production industry at its epicenter.

States with a thriving creative economy have been proven to have:

  • greater recession resilience and faster economic recovery;
  • stronger innovation, design, and discovery in their technological and medical advancements;
  • decreased crime and recidivism;
  • increased civic engagement and social well-being; and
  • higher student graduation rates and overall student success.

The DCCE wants to ensure that all Delawareans are afforded the opportunity to participate in and benefit from the presence of a robust creative economy ecosystem in The First State.

Whether training, working, or employing others, the benefits truly are endless… and we deserve them all.

We don’t need to be the “next” anything; we’re already “First”.

Learn how Delaware is becoming a national arts and entertainment hub…and how you can help.

So what is the “Delaware Creative Economy”?

What is “creative economy”? and what’s Learn how Delaware’s for-profit artist help The First State to revitalize, reimagine… and recover.

Ready to be Booked and Busy?

Are you a Delaware artist looking for work?  List yourself today.

List your Arts-Friendly Location

Know a great place to film a movie, host an event, or stage a live performance?

How to BECOME an Arts-Friendly Location

Want to rent space to Delaware artists for their projects and events? Click the button and learn how.

Reach out to your Reps

Tell our state staffers and elected officials that we want a holistic creative economy. From education and business to healthcare and social services, the arts are essential and should be included.   Not sure what to say when
you reach out?

Click the sample letter button.